Account Informations
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen was founded in 2020.
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen; It tries to deliver aid to all over the world in order to reach every person who is affected by adverse conditions such as climate, geographical conditions, natural disasters and war who needs help.
While we reach those in need in our country by organizing ‘Domestic Aid Works’, we operate abroad in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mal, Syria, Togo, Nepal, Sudan, Uganda and Cameroon.
As part of our orphan work, we build orphanages and run an orphan sponsorship system. We provide medicine, prosthetics, wheelchairs, medical supplies to the regions that are waiting for health care and we carry out hospital renovations.
You can use the ‘Donate’ button on our site or you can donate by typing the purpose of donation (Adaq Qurban, Water-Well, etc.) and your mobile phone number in the explanation section via IBAN.
No, we do not accept donations in kind.
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev