Account Informations
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev
As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, with the support of you, our valuable donors, we provide medicine, prosthetics, wheelchairs, medical supplies and make hospital renovations to regions where the health system is largely disrupted due to the lack of doctors, hospitals and medical supplies. On the other hand, we are fighting with your donations against cataract disease which is seen in many young and old people due to hot weather, nutrition and climatic conditions in Africa. With the support of our valuable donors, we have many of our brothers and sisters who live in darkness without surgery due to the inadequacy of ophthalmologists and treatment facilities have surgery and illuminate their world.
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev