Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Ramadan Aid

Ramadan Aid

We Distributed Zakat in Syria

We Distributed Zakat in Syria Zakat is an important bridge that brings wealthy Muslims to needy Muslims. It is an important value that brings them together in the same prayer. On the other hand, zakat is a social worship that glorifies religious and moral values in society, strengthens the social

Ramadan Aid

We Met Our Orphan Brothers and Sisters In Uganda at the Same Table

We Met Our Orphan Brothers and Sisters In Uganda at the Same Table As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we are meeting with our brothers in need at fruitful tables in the month of Ramadan, when unity and solidarity gain importance. We are both guests and guests. We open fast-breaking fasts with

Ramadan Aid

We Distributed Zakat to People in Need in Syria

We Distributed Zakat to People in Need in Syria In Ramadan, we deliver your Zakat donations, which form the basis of social solidarity, Show the importance Islam attaches to integration and unity and which is one of the obligatory acts of worship for all Muslims. As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we

Ramadan Aid

We Distributed Holiday Gifts in Syria

We Distributed Holiday Gifts in Syria As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we are giving a holiday gift with the support of you, our donors, in order to reach our oppressed and orphaned brothers and sisters all over the world and touch their hearts on the feast days when friendship, brotherhood and