Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Winter Aid

Winter Aid

We Distributed Stoves to Those in Need in Syria

We Distributed Stoves to Those in Need in Syria Millions of people in need around the world, struggling with poverty and trying to hold on to life against increasing difficulties, are waiting for help. As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we heal the wounds caused by the cold for families in need,

Winter Aid

We Provided Coal Aid for Idlib

We Provided Coal Aid for Idlib Millions of people in need around the world, struggling with poverty and trying to hold on to life against increasing difficulties, are waiting for help. As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we heal the wounds caused by the cold for families in need, who have difficulties

Winter Aid

We Provided Stove Aid in Syria

We Provided Stove Aid in Syria Millions of people in need around the world, struggling with poverty and trying to hold on to life against increasing difficulties, are waiting for help. As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we heal the wounds caused by the cold for families in need, who have difficulties

Winter Aid

Stove Aid We Organized in Syria

Stove Aid We Organized in Syria As part of the ‘Winter is Cold, Brotherhood Warms’ campaign, we provided stove assistance to Syrian families who had to leave their hometown due to the civil war in Syria and struggle to survive in tent cities in safe areas.

Winter Aid

We Provided the Winter Needs of Children in Village Schools

We Provided the Winter Needs of Children in Village Schools Within the scope of ‘Domestic Education Studies’, to our children who are educated in village schools in Muş; we distributed coats, scarves, hats and gloves. We would like to thank our benefactors who supported our children with their help in