Account Informations
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev
Millions of people in need, who had to leave their homes due to wars and natural disasters are forced to live in tents away from worship and education. As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we are building mosques, masjids, schools and various centers in these regions with the donations made by you valuable philanthropists.
We put a smile on the faces of our brothers and sisters who have been forced to leave their homes and become refugees in their own country or who have been receiving education and worship in makeshift centers due to poverty. With the briquette houses, places of worship and orphanages we have built, we create spaces that allow people to live peacefull and we enable people to look to the future with more hope. Thanks to the schools we have renovated, our children living in the region receive a complete education in a safe environment.
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev