Account Informations
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev
Millions of people around the world still have difficulty in accesing clean water today. These brothers and sisters who had to walk for hours in order to reach clean water; they lose their lives as a result diseases caused by drought, polluted and stagnant waters because infrastructure services are not enough.
As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we are opening water wells with your support in order to deliver clean water, which is of vital importance, to our brothers and sisters struggling with drought. The thirst, which especially affetcs the African continent, affetcs not only the basic needs but also the economy of the people of the region. Where there is no clean water, economic activities such as agriculture and animal husbandry cannot be done and water wells cannot be drilled in these areas due to weak economic conditions. With your donations and support, we open water wells in these regions and provide clean water to our brothers and sisters in need of a drop of water.
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev