Food Aids

We Distributed Provisions for Yemen

In Yemen, which is in the grip of humanitarian crises such as war, civil unrest and natural disasters, millions of people die every day due to hunger. In Yemen, where approximately 14 million people are at risk of starvation, 4 out of 5 children, that is, more than 12 million, are in need of assistance. 80% of the country with a population of 30.5 million needs humanitarian aid and urgent protection. Thousands of people lost their lives due to the civil war and turmoil that has been going on for 6 years in the country, as well as malnutrition such as hunger and thirst. As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we continue our aid efforts for countries struggling with hunger, especially Yemen.

As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, as part of our emergency aid activities, we distributed food supplies to those in need who are living in tents and struggling with hunger due to the civil war and turmoil in Yemen.