Account Informations
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev
There are hearts waiting for us, whose lives we touch with our kindness. They need to be held in their hands and to look to the future with hope. Every step we take, every help we deliver; hopes will rise again, our good deeds will take place in our hearts.
As Hilfe Ohne Grenzen, we try to provide assistance to people who are trying to cope with negative situations such as hunger, thirst and illnes. With the support you provide, we reach people in need and create smiles on their faces and ease in their lives.
- Qurban Distribution
- Holiday Distribution
- Water Well
- Food Delivery
- Cataract Surgery
- Qurban Distribution
- Iftar Program
- Zakat Distribution
Hilfe Ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE16 3505 0000 0200 3801 37
PayPal: @hilfeohnegrenzenev